Secret WhatsApp Tips: How to secretly read deleted WhatsApp messages

Secret WhatsApp Tips: How to secretly read deleted WhatsApp messages

WhatsApp launched the delete for everyone feature a few months ago and users are using it to the fullest. There are several reasons why we end up deleting some WhatsApp messages that we send across. Sometimes, it can happen that we really want to recover those deleted messages to read them all. There’s now official way to recover deleted messages but there are some apps on Google Play store that allow one to restore those deleted messages and read them all over again. Interesting, isn’t it? Also Read - Making a UPI payment? Here's what you should and shouldn't do

There’s this app on Google Play store by the name Notisave that allows users to recover deleted WhatsApp messages all over again. Well, interestingly the app doesn’t just allow to recover deleted typed messages on WhatsApp but also restore photos and videos and GIFs and much more. Let’s take a look at how the Notisave app works and helps users to read deleted WhatsApp messages. Also Read - Meta brings split payments, vanish mode and more to Messenger

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There are just 5 simple steps that you need to follow, check it out here.

Step 1: Head over to the Google Play store. You must note that this app is available only for Android. So, iOS users will be left disappointed.

Secret WhatsApp Tips: How to secretly read deleted WhatsApp messages

Step 2: Download and Install the Notisave app on your smartphone that has your WhatsApp account logged in.

Step 3: Login to the app with the required details and head to the homescreen of the Notisave app that shows WhatsApp icon.

Step 4: Select the WhatsApp icon and you will be able to see all the deleted messages out there.

Step 5: To check for a specific contact, the Notisave app allows that as well. Just filter out the contact.

It must be noted that Notisave app comes with ads and is not a secure application. So, if you want to use the application, do that at your own risk. Such third-party apps contain malware at times, so beware of linking on random links shown inside the app.

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